Friday, September 4, 2015

Vacationers Rescue Syrian Man

Sandra Tsiligeridu (C) cradles Syrian refugee Mohammed Besmar after rescuing him from the Aegean Sea on August 27.Sandra Tsiligeridu was cruising back to the Greek holiday island of Kos with family and friends last Thursday when she spotted something out of place in the sea up ahead.
A pair of hands appeared to be waving at her from the deep-blue waters of the Aegean Sea.
Maybe it was a diver; maybe it was someone else. Tsiligeridu's husband Dimitris eased up on the controls of their twin engine motor boat and veered left in order to avoid him.
But as they got closer, Tsiligeridu realized something terrible was happening, and she screamed at Dimitris to turn around.
What she saw next would stay with her forever.
    There, bobbing up and down in the choppy waters, was a half-conscious man clinging desperately to a lifejacket.
    "The waves were massive," Tsiligeridu, a former model and actress, told CNN. "When we got close, we saw a person in a horrible state."
    Tsiligeridu says she suppressed her fear of big waves and let her reflexes kick in. Leaning over the edge of the boat, she grabbed the man's hand, and her friends helped pull him out of the sea and onto the deck.
    "He was so weak that he couldn't even stand or walk," she recalls. "The only thing he managed to say was that he was from Syria."

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